Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Juvenile Right s Period The Needs Of The Delinquents...

Juvenile Right’s Period, meant less attention to the needs of the delinquents and adult offenders. It also meant more juveniles in detention institutions as well as in the adult justice system. Some positive aspects are seen with this approach. Most will agree that it is better for Juveniles to be put in a Juvenile Facility instead of being tried as adults. However, there are many good reasons as to why kids who commit horrendous crimes should be treated as criminals instead of troubled kids. From a very young age parents teach their children right from wrong, some children even as young as 6 years old get that talk. Not only do we have parents teaching our children but we also have the education system and other family members. In 47 states being an 18-year-old means you are an adult and can be tried as one in the court of law. You may wonder, why 18? What makes an 18 year old different from 15, 16, or 17-year-old? Well, according to New York officials the only reason why 18 -year-olds are considered adults is because that is the age they are allowed to vote. ( If it were not for the voting age being 18 maybe children would be considered adults at a younger age. Most people can look back into their teenage years and realize that they were not dumb or that we did not know any better. If we try kids of all ages as adults we makeShow MoreRelatedJuvenile Crime And Crime Rates1609 Words   |  7 PagesJuvenile crime is one of the nation s most serious problems. Concerns about it are generally broadcasted by federal, state, and local government officials and by the public. In years prior, the burden developed beginning with the dramatic rise in juvenile violence in the eighties reaching an all-time peak in the first part of the nineties. Even though juvenile crime rates seem to have lowered since the mid-nineties, t he reduction has not eased the concern. Many states began taking strict statutoryRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency and the Criminal Justice System1423 Words   |  6 Pagessystem. Within the criminal justice system, juvenile delinquency is an issue that I find the most overlooked and it is a problem that is growing, particularly in the poorer areas. The term juvenile delinquency refers to the antisocial or criminal activity under the age of 18 which violates the law. Everyone is affected by juvenile crime, parents, teachers, families and neighbors. It is essential that programs are implemented to help with juvenile delinquents. Although delinquency rates have decreasedRead MoreThe Issue Of The Juvenile Justice System Essay1539 Words   |  7 Pages1.1 Introduction The term juvenile is derived from a Latin word Juvenis meaning Young (who has not attained the age of 18 years). A Children have been recognized supremely assets of the Nation. The government of India through its National Policy for Children stated that their nurture and solicitude are our responsibility. Equal opportunities for development to all children during the period of growth should be our aim, for this would serve our larger purpose of reducing inequality and ensuring socialRead MoreJuvenile Justice And Juvenile Delinquency1675 Words   |  7 PagesJuvenile Justice has been a work in progress from the beginning of the program because of the evolving mentality of the generations. The purpose of Juvenile Justice was to correct the behavior of the juvenile delinquents and rehabilitation through a probationary period monitored by an individual who paid for bail and periodically reported behavior changes to courts. (Mulligan 2009) We do justice to the youth offenders by unders tanding the history of Juvenile Justice restorative programs, the alternativesRead MoreA Case of Juvenile Justice Essays1116 Words   |  5 PagesCharlie – A Case in Juvenile Justice Melissa Thomas CJ420 – Juvenile Justice Prof. Amy Ng December 4, 2012 Abstract Children are gifts from above and need guidance and love. If either one is absent then they are at risk of becoming juvenile offenders or career criminals. The juvenile justice system has many players that facilitate the tools for a juvenile to use an offense as a learning experience. The juvenile encounters three important individuals; the juvenile police officer, probationRead MoreThe Rate Of Juvenile Delinquency Essay1625 Words   |  7 Pagesinterventions during the rehabilitative period claimed, â€Å"nothing works† (Lipton, Martinson, Wilks, 1975; Martinson, 1974). The pendulum swing from treatment to punishment also filtered down to the juvenile justice system. The sharp increase in adolescent and young adult homicides in the late 1980s and early 1990s (Cook Laub, 1998) was tied to the presumed new wave of juvenile â€Å"superpredators† There were three main assumptions for the rise in crime of juveniles that consist of: the relative proportionRead MoreShou ld Juveniles Be Tried As Adults?2843 Words   |  12 Pagesmost state laws, juvenile offenders do not commit crimes. They commit delinquent acts, some of which are acts that would constitute crimes if committed by an adult. The trial phase of a juvenile case is an adjudication hearing.(Should juveniles be tried as adults? (n.d.). Retrieved from This means that the judge listens to evidence presented and make the determination on whether the child is delinquent.The court may thenRead MoreThe Conflicting Tensions Of The Juvenile Justice System3706 Words   |  15 Pages The Conflicting Tensions of the Juvenile Justice System Alisa Koyama SW 500 University of Washington During the Progressive Era - a period of industrialization, capitalism, and stratification of the class system - reformers helped establish the juvenile justice system as a way to decrease the rising juvenile crimes while also maintaining the dignity of the ‘uncontaminated’ and therefore deserving youth (Platt, 1977; Peirce, 1869). However, in reality, the complicated nature of working withRead MoreThe Juvenile Justice System Police2399 Words   |  10 Pagespolice officer often is a young person s introduction to the juvenile justice system police account for most referrals to juvenile court. Law enforcement s role with boys and girls under the age of eighteen is challenging because there are laws that federally protect youth that commit serious crimes and attempts to aid them in a road to recovery to return to their communities. Police officers generally summon young offenders to the police department s juvenile division to question them and if necessaryRead MoreEssay Juvenile Delinquency5272 Words   |  22 PagesJuvenile Delinquency Amy Cowan CRJ 422 Prof. Angela Hermosillo November 15, 2010 Juvenile Delinquency Introduction Can we as a society truly reduce the rate of juvenile crime and violence? â€Å"Throughout all time there has been delinquency. It may not have had the delinquency label, but it still existed. Juvenile crime is mentioned as far back as ancient Sumeria and Hammurabi, where laws concerning juvenile offenders first appear in written

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